Thursday, January 17, 2008

What a clutz!

I couldn't post last night because I was so busy cleaning up after myself. I dropped my whole potions kit next to my bed. I can't believe some of the stuff that came out of that mess. I now have a very strange pet canary. I don't think anyone else can see her. She seems to be pretty nice though. And she seems to be fading with time.

I had to use an adaptation of the anti-intruder jinx on the door so I could clean up my mess before anyone saw what I did. I fixed the burnt spots on the floor and got all of the ingredients back in their respective bottles and bags. What a mess though. I don't think that room will ever smell the same. Mind you, now it smells like burnt cookies, so it could be worse.

And a note to my lovely prefect, I am checking in with the hsks4 blog basically every day. Most often more than that. It is just too exciting.

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