Anyways, Perenelle, I hope you like it when you get it, but don't look any farther if you don't want to ruin the surprise.
Group Picture
There is a big bag, a small sock bag, and a tool bag; two balls of Dal of Uruguay sock yarn in red and one in yellow; Addi Turbo US 1 40" circular needles; a black sheep tape measure; Book of Sock Spells Grade 1 with four patterns that use the supplied yarn and needles; an owl st marker holder and a bunch of st markers; and a Dumbledore book marker.
Here is a close up of the art on the bags. I hand painted these.
Here is a close up of the owl st marker holder with one of the st markers sticking out of the top.
Here are the 12 st markers. I made the five on the left first and then I lost them (they were in the tool bag posted above). So I made 7 in a tear drop shape. Then I lost the 7 tear drops and found the first five. Then I found the tear drops again (they were in the bottom of the big bag). So now lucky little Perenelle gets 12 st markers!
This headband is a last minute addition I sewed together while I wait for my mom's very trustworthy owl to come take my package.
So fun! I hope Perenelle has fun picking out a pattern and using her bajillion st markers.
And here is a perfect picture to show you why all of my items are covered in hair if I am right about the cursed blanket. Please forgive me, Perenelle.