Saturday, May 17, 2008

other dormies

[Huh... I found this unposted from a long time ago. So here it is now...]

I have been sneakily listening to my dormies to get to know them. I am never sure what to say to people, so I just like to listen. The canary is useful in this endeavour because she can get places I can't to hear things. I just hate not knowing things! Here are something things I found out.

Agatha Ackerly's cousin is in Hufflepuff. It is pretty darn cute to see them say hi in the halls because they do their hair the same! Her roommate Miranda is looking for a counter spell to being unable to knit. I am pretty sure my mother has this spell, if only I can get her to share it. Maybe if I tell her about Miranda's parents, she would feel bad that she doesn't have her parents or her ability to knit. I don't know, though, she is pretty touchy about me sharing her knitting spells. She recalled the notes I took when I started to post them to my blog last quarter so I couldn't finish talking about them. Got a huge howler that I didn't open and it exploded and almost killed her owl (I never even took it from him...) I am dying for her to find out about her other roommate, Emma's, last name. I bet that story could be good.

The canary overheard the other Agatha (Vablatsky) talking about her horrible transfiguration mishap! And now she is having horrible allergies! You can really tell because her poor nose is so red and raw it matches her bloodshot eyes.

Cecelia Kettleburn has brought up a good question. What animal is the best to bring? Well, the owl is most useful, but there is a whole owlery at your disposal here. The cat, I am biased with my love of dogs, doesn't seem useful to knitters to me because my mother's jerk of a cat is always chasing my balls of yarn around the house. Very annoying. She wants me to figure out the spell to automatically rewind the ball on my own. Blerg I say to that. I have an owl because that is the only animal my mother would let me bring. She wants me to send her a letter every day, but I talked her down to once a week. Phew!

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