Saturday, May 17, 2008


As a repost for this new quarter, here is a link to my bio from last quarter. We celebrated Xantian's birthday and my birthday over the break. We both dyed each other matching yarn for our birthday's! I taught him how to muggle knit. He finally gave in after he saw that it was a good way to relax. Maybe one day he will just be Xantian instead of Xantian the insane. I knit a ton of socks and that is how I got Xan to start up.

I also talked to Madame Pomfrey and on May 29th, she is giving me a draught to remove my wisdom teeth but leaving my my wisdom (I would like to remain in Ravenclaw....) I am nervous. It has such a different effect on everyone. Some people are fine after two days. Other people are laid out for weeks. But I would rather Madame Pomfrey get them out that some crazy muggle oral surgeon with those metal instruments and gases.

For my classes this quarter, I am taking the regular first year classes as well as Ancient Runes, and Care of Magical Creatures. I am really excited. These classes sound like so much fun. Cecilia Kettleburn is in my Ancient Runes class, so maybe we can study together.

1 comment:

Ophelia Crookshanks said...

YIKES! I do hope you recover well. I had mine out MANY MANY moons ago, but I looked like a pumpkin for my senior prom and could only eat mashed potatoes and applesauce for a week. Though I do like to think I kept my wisdom.

Keep us posted on how it turns out.